New Year, New Brand: Questions To Ask To Define Your Brand for 2023

It's a new year and a new opportunity to define who in the world your brand is. ⁠

Did you know that many of the biggest brands in the world have defined their brand down to a person with a name, likes and dislikes, and specific personality traits? This helps them to understand their ideal customer and what that person truly needs from them as a brand.⁠

When I worked for a well-known retail brand in my early 20’s, training began with learning all about the woman and the man that embodied the brand. They had names, daily habits, and favourite activities, and I knew what they did for work and where they would go afterwards. This couple was completely fictional, but getting to know them helped me and all of my coworkers understand who the brand was to its customers. 

Defining your brand and giving it a personality can have an immensely positive impact on your business and customer relationships. To get you started, here are a few questions to ask to define your brand in 2023:


  • If my ideal customer was having a conversation with my brand, what would it sound like? Think about the tone, language, and overall vibe of the conversation.
  • Can you describe 3 different people that would buy from you? Use as much detail as possible!
  • Where does your brand show up? Can others recognize your brand identity in captions, videos, marketing materials, packaging, etc.?
  • What is your unique value proposition?
  • If you could put words into the mouths of your customers, what would you have them say to others about your brand?
  • Is your brand funny? Serious? Relatable? Aspirational? Give your brand a persona!
  • How do people feel when they buy or use your product or service?

Answering and understanding these questions will give you a clear picture of who your brand is and what it means to the people you’ve built it for. It will allow you to create brand affinity, leading to happier, repeat customers, increased sales, and fewer returns or complaints.

The beginning of a new year is a fresh start to create the brand you’ve always dreamed of. Once you know that brand like you know your very best friend, we’d love to help you share this new brand personality with the world!

Who in the world is your brand? Let us know how you answered these questions!

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